Flowerful Fence Basket Tutorial

I love a good fence, but they’re not the most aesthetically pleasing piece in a garden. Luckily they’re so easy to pretty up. You can plant climbing plants like climbing roses, ivy, grapes, or clematis. Training a tree to grow horizontally via the espalier method is another fun option. But those options take some time…

How to Create a Dark Garden that Morticia Addams Would Love

Halloween is just around the corner, so I thought it was the perfect time to talk about one of my gardening goals: a section of my garden devoted entirely to dark plants. There is just something so intriguing about dark-colored plants to me. I am drawn to them whenever I’m browsing at a plant nursery…

Easy Plant Pouch Tutorial

Plant pouches are a great way to add vertical interest to your garden. You can hang them from hooks like hanging baskets or attach them to fence posts. Plant pouches can also be very budget-friendly if you choose the right plants. They’re easy to make & maintain too! Read on to find out how to…