A Gardener’s Christmas Gift Guide

Thanksgiving came & went, which means that Christmas is just around the bend. I figured it might be helpful to compile a list of presents that would bring joy to gardeners. Maybe you’re a gardener yourself, an aspiring one, or there’s a gardener in your life that you’re shopping for. Just like with every hobby, there…

7 Helpful Tips for Beginner Gardeners

Due to the coronavirus global pandemic, a lot of people are staying home for an extended period of time & they’re looking for new hobbies to keep themselves occupied. Gardening is a great hobby to pick up right now or any time really. There is just something so satisfying about growing your own plants, especially…

2019 Year in Review: How Did my Garden Grow?

*This article contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. As always, all opinions are my own.* Whew, 2019 flew right on by, didn’t it? I can’t believe that it will be 2020 tomorrow. I’m sure that all of you feel the same. The end of the year is always a…

My Garden Battle with Japanese Beetles: Fight to Save my Grapes

There I was, minding my own business doing my daily plant check-up when I saw a few Japanese beetles feasting and romancing each other on my grape leaves. This was not my first brush with these bugs since I have a rose garden where they feasted like kings last year. But this was the first…

Beginner/Intermediate Gardeners: 3 Reasons Why You Need Drip Irrigation Right Now

As a beginner to intermediate gardener, you know that watering your garden can be time consuming and expensive. As a home gardener with a few years of gardening experience under my belt, who is taking a social media class from Northwestern University through Coursera.com, I found two articles that explain how to cut down on…