The Easiest Way to Plant Tulips Ever

Shopping for tulips is one of my favorite fall gardening activities. There are just so many different varieties of tulips out there & I pretty much want them all. Planting tulip bulbs isn’t as much fun as window shopping for them though, especially if you have a lot of bulbs to plant (check out my…

How to Create a Dark Garden that Morticia Addams Would Love

Halloween is just around the corner, so I thought it was the perfect time to talk about one of my gardening goals: a section of my garden devoted entirely to dark plants. There is just something so intriguing about dark-colored plants to me. I am drawn to them whenever I’m browsing at a plant nursery…

Beginner/Intermediate Gardeners: 3 Best Tips for Growing & Planting Tulip Bulbs

As a beginner to intermediate gardener, you know that if you want a beautiful tulip show in the spring you need to plant the bulbs in the fall. As a home gardener with a few years of gardening experience under my belt, who is taking a social media class from Northwestern University through, I…