Beginner/Intermediate Gardeners: 3 Best Natural Ways to Get Rid of Mosquitoes

As a beginner to intermediate gardener, you know that mosquitoes are one of your biggest garden foes. As a home gardener with a few years of gardening experience under my belt, who is taking a social media class from Northwestern University through, I found two articles that explain various natural ways to rid your…

My Garden Battle with Japanese Beetles: Fight to Save my Grapes

There I was, minding my own business doing my daily plant check-up when I saw a few Japanese beetles feasting and romancing each other on my grape leaves. This was not my first brush with these bugs since I have a rose garden where they feasted like kings last year. But this was the first…

Beginner/Intermediate Gardeners: 3 Reasons Why You Need Drip Irrigation Right Now

As a beginner to intermediate gardener, you know that watering your garden can be time consuming and expensive. As a home gardener with a few years of gardening experience under my belt, who is taking a social media class from Northwestern University through, I found two articles that explain how to cut down on…

Basil Limeade with Strawberries Recipe

Summer is here and the temperatures are soaring. What’s a better way to beat the heat than a nice cool glass of limeade/lemonade? Here’s my fresh from the garden twist on a summer staple. Basil Limeade with Strawberries. Picture is my own. Ingredients 6 Limes2 liters Water4-8 tablespoons of SugarHandful of BasilHandful of Strawberries Method…

Beginner to Intermediate Gardeners: 3 Best Tips for Harvesting & Curing Garlic

So, you’re a beginner to intermediate gardener who planted garlic cloves in the fall and now it’s finally time to dig up those garlic bulbs and see the fruit of your labor. As a home gardener with a few years of gardening experience under my belt, who is taking a social media class from Northwestern…

Beginner/Intermediate Gardeners: 3 Ways to Grow a Ton of Tomatoes

As a beginner to intermediate gardener, you know that one of the most popular goals this time of year for gardeners is to grow an abundance of tomatoes. As a home gardener with a few years of gardening experience under my belt, who is taking a social media class from Northwestern University through, I…