Fall Gardening Chores: Planting Iris Bulbs & More Garlic

Hello, November! It’s the month when gardeners that live in places with cold winters scramble to get the last of their gardening chores complete & their gardens buttoned up for the season. I am no exception & have been rushing to finish my fall gardening chores. I ordered iris bulbs & seed garlic in early…

Fall Raised Bed Garden Clean Up & Planting Garlic

The nights are getting longer & the weather is turning cooler, which means that a lot of my annual plants aren’t looking so hot anymore. All of my tomato plants have shriveled up & succumbed to the fall weather. On the other hand, it also means that it’s finally time to plant garlic! As a…

How to Harvest Garlic for Delicious Feasts

That wonderfully delicious time of year is here again, garlic harvesting! Garlic is one of my absolute favorite plants to grow, however, it’s one of my least favorite plants to harvest. Growing garlic is as easy as can be (check out my garlic planting tutorial & my garlic growing tips), but harvesting it is a…